Retain Your Italian Over the Summer

italian-beach-ballSummer is just around the corner.  Having some fun in the sun is great however, summer break also means the “summer slide.”  When students return to school from summer break, they tend to forget many concepts that they had learned during the previous school year due to the lack of consistent practice and exposure.  Likewise, adults tend to do the same after a long period of time away from a practice.  When learning a new language for example, people often struggle recalling previously learned concepts like vocabulary words, and basic conversation skills that they had learned during the previous year and by the time they return to classes after a long period away. 

An article on how to keep up with a language over summer break provides many ways to for students of foreign language to keep up with the language over summer break, such as reading Italian books or watching Italian movies.  This list is not just for kids and can  be applied to adult students of foreign language as well.

But the best way to learn is to sign up for our summer classes and you will see how fun, simple, and relaxing it is to learn Italian with us.  Classroom instruction gives you the chance to interact with other students learning Italian as well as being able to practice speaking, writing, and listening all at a consistent pace. Hurry, early registration with the discounted price ends June 1st!

Do you need to brush up on certain grammar concepts this summer?  Sign up for our individual Grammitalia courses!  Registration ends June 1st!

If this is not enough for you we also have another option. This summer, we are offering Private Skype Lessons!  This is a great opportunity for people who have busy schedules, or even people who prefer a more private, one-on-one teaching.  If you sign up by June 1st,you can receive a package of 10 private Skype lessons for $100 off!  Be sure to mention the coupon before signing up.

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