« Hai fatto 30, fai 31. »
Literal Translation: “You did 30, do 31.”
Meaning: Go the extra mile
This idiom dates back to the year of 1517 when Papa Leone X was naming a group of cardinals. While believing he had a group of only 30 cardinals to name, there were actually 31 cardinals to name. Because he could never exclude any cardinal, he said “Abbiamo fatto 30, facciamo 31” (we have already named 30, one more won’t hurt) and named the extra cardinal.
Even though this idiom dates back to the 1500s, this does not mean that it cannot applicable today. In fact, we can use this phrase in many situations of our daily lives, especially when we need some motivation. Whether it be having difficulties completing a business project, exercising, playing an instrument, or even learning a new language, we have already accomplished so much. Why stop here when we can go further?
For all current Sentieri students, you have already come a long way, congratulazioni! One more class will do you wonders, avete fatto 30, fate 31! Sign up for summer classes so that we can help you achieve your language goals and so that you can keep up with your Italian during the summer.
If you have not yet begun to study Italian, the fact that you may be thinking about taking a new language is great news! Go the extra mile and sign up for classes with us this summer!
Early registration for summer classes has already opened. From now until June 1st, there is an early registration discount on all summer classes. Hurry and sign up for your class today!