La Festa della Repubblica

This past Tuesday, June 2nd marked the 69th anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic. The Italian peninsula holds history that dates back to thousands of years ago, however the Italy that we know and love today started just decades ago.     Throughout the late 1800s and through half… Continue reading

Retain Your Italian Over the Summer

Summer is just around the corner.  Having some fun in the sun is great however, summer break also means the “summer slide.”  When students return to school from summer break, they tend to forget many concepts that they had learned during the previous school year due to the lack of… Continue reading

A Motivational Italian Idiom

« Hai fatto 30, fai 31. » Literal Translation: “You did 30, do 31.” Meaning: Go the extra mile This idiom dates back to the year of 1517 when Papa Leone X was naming a group of cardinals.  While believing he had a group of only 30 cardinals to name, there… Continue reading

Spring Cineforum Review

On Satruday April 25th, Sentieri held its Spring Cineforum.  A mix of Sentieri students and non-students came to watch Allacciate le cinture directed by Ferzan Ozpetek. Sentieri’s President, Daniela, started off the event with a brief presentation about the director, his films, and how Sentieri has screened some of his… Continue reading