Food & Wine Tour of Piedmont: A Review

Susan Croce Kelly, author and former editor and publisher of  Ozarks Magazine, writes about her amazing traveling experiences in northern Italy. Travelling with her husband and several cousins on a Sentieri tour to Italy’s Piedmont region, Susan is on a journey to reconnect with her family roots and to taste traditional Piedmontese cuisine.… Continue reading

La Festa della Repubblica

This past Tuesday, June 2nd marked the 69th anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic. The Italian peninsula holds history that dates back to thousands of years ago, however the Italy that we know and love today started just decades ago.     Throughout the late 1800s and through half… Continue reading

A Motivational Italian Idiom

« Hai fatto 30, fai 31. » Literal Translation: “You did 30, do 31.” Meaning: Go the extra mile This idiom dates back to the year of 1517 when Papa Leone X was naming a group of cardinals.  While believing he had a group of only 30 cardinals to name, there… Continue reading

Felice Pesce d’Aprile

Though its origins are hazy, April 1st is typically reserved as day for pranks, practical jokes, and general silliness. In Italy, it is no different. Somehow, over the course of history, the fool has come to take the form of a fish in Italy. The traditional pesce d’aprile (April Fool’s joke)… Continue reading

A Language Proverb

“Those who know many languages live as many lives as the languages they know.” – Czech Proverb   When you learn another language, you learn a foreign mentality.  After years of practice studying another language you gain a sense of the customs, the culture and the mindset of the people… Continue reading

Find out if you are eligible for Italian Citizenship

The applicant will be contacted within three business days of submitting this form with pricing and information on how to schedule a consultation. The consultation and document procurement services will be provided by Sentieri’s partner company. Sentieri will provide its expert service in translating all necessary documents for completion of the citizenship process. Continue reading

Why Become an Italian Citizen? Seven Benefits of Italian Citizenship

Would you like to become an Italian citizen? If you are an American citizen whose parent, grandparent or great-grandfather was an Italian citizen, you may be eligible for dual citizenship with Italy by “Right of Blood for People of Italian Descent.” Spouses of Italian citizens are also eligible to apply… Continue reading